
编辑:教授 时间:2022-09-23 浏览量:

项东教授现为99905银河官方网外籍教授,国际化示范学院外方院长,99905银河官方网数字化金融与企业发展国际合作研究中心主任。项东教授于2011年获得澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学金融学博士学位,随后于2011-2014年于澳大利亚格里菲斯大学教授金融学相关课程并完成博士后研究。研究领域包括企业资本结构、中小企业融资和创新、金融市场监管与运营效率等,已在SSCI索引期刊上发表的文章30余篇。现担任包括Transactions on Engineering Management、Accounting & Finance、Technological Forecasting and Social Change等10多家财经领域SSCI期刊评审,并为国际中小企业协会(The International Council for Small Business)、亚洲金融协会、澳大利亚和新西兰金融会计协会会员。

Dong Xiang is a professor in finance, foreign dean of International Cooperation College, and director of the International Center for Digital Finance and Enterprise Development at Shandong Normal University. Prof. Dong Xiang received his Ph.D. in Finance from The University of Newcastle in Australia. Then he went to Griffith University for postdoctoral research and engaged in teaching work in the same year. He was shortly employed by the International Institute for Financial and Economic Studies at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics in 2014. Research interests include financial market, regulatory and operational efficiency, capital structure, SME financing and innovation, etc. So far, he has more than 40 referee publications.